3.1.1 Execution procedure for Abaqus: overview


Abaqus is executed by using the Abaqus execution procedure. In the following discussion the command to run the execution procedure is assumed to be abaqus. However, you can customize the execution procedure to run Abaqus using any alias you choose. (See the Abaqus Installation and Licensing Guide for details.)

The abaqus command is described in Execution procedures, Section 3.2. The following sections contain further information about running Abaqus jobs:


The following conventions are used in these sections:

  • Each discussion includes a “Command summary” section that provides the syntax for the command in the left column and the syntax for its options in the right column. The full command must appear first, followed by the options. In some cases the command has multiple words, such as abaqus cae; you must enter all words of the command before issuing any option statements.

  • Options are presented in boldface. They can appear in any order and can be abbreviated.

  • Default options are underlined ( __ ).

  • Items enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) are optional.

  • Items appearing in a list separated by bars ( | ) are mutually exclusive.

  • One value must be selected from a list of values enclosed by curly brackets ({ }).

  • You must supply values in italics.

  • Blanks are used as separators between options and must not precede nor follow an equal sign.

  • An alternate syntax of -option value can be used instead of the option=value format.

The abaqus procedure will prompt for any information required that is not provided on the command line. If abaqus is typed with no options, prompts are issued for all options.

Environment settings

The Abaqus execution procedure uses environment parameters to customize the execution of a job. These settings can be changed using one of the Abaqus environment files: custom_v6.env or abaqus_v6.env. See Using the Abaqus environment files, Section 4.1 of the Abaqus Installation and Licensing Guide for more details.

If the same job parameter is defined in more than one environment file or is defined more than once within the same environment file, the last definition encountered will be used. Some exceptions to this rule are noted in Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1. These environment files can be used to customize the behavior of Abaqus, including modification of the default options. See Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1, for further information on the environment files.

Selecting TCP/UDP port numbers

Several of the execution procedure command line options, such as port and listenerport, require that you specify a port number. TCP/UDP port numbers can range from 0 to 65535.

Port numbers 0 to 1023 are well-known ports used by system processes (such as FTP, SSH, SMTP, etc.) and should never be used. Port numbers 1024 to 49151 are registered ports with the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) by software vendors. These ports can be used, but you should be careful that you are not conflicting with any software installed on your system that may be using this port. Port numbers 49152 to 65535 are unreserved and can be used freely, as long as no other application uses them.

Ports may be blocked by a firewall. Contact your system administrator to ensure that the ports that you want to specify are not blocked.

You can use the netstat command to obtain information on TCP/UDP network connections.

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3.1.1 Execution procedure for Abaqus: overview

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Abaqus is executed by using the Abaqus execution procedure. In the following discussion the command to run the execution procedure is assumed to be abaqus. However, you can customize the execution procedure to run Abaqus using any alias you choose. (See the Abaqus Installation and Licensing Guide for details.)

The abaqus command is described in Execution procedures, Section 3.2. The following sections contain further information about running Abaqus jobs:

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.


The following conventions are used in these sections:

  • Each discussion includes a “Command summary” section that provides the syntax for the command in the left column and the syntax for its options in the right column. The full command must appear first, followed by the options. In some cases the command has multiple words, such as abaqus cae; you must enter all words of the command before issuing any option statements.

  • Options are presented in boldface. They can appear in any order and can be abbreviated.

  • Default options are underlined ( __ ).

  • Items enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) are optional.

  • Items appearing in a list separated by bars ( | ) are mutually exclusive.

  • One value must be selected from a list of values enclosed by curly brackets ({ }).

  • You must supply values in italics.

  • Blanks are used as separators between options and must not precede nor follow an equal sign.

  • An alternate syntax of -option value can be used instead of the option=value format.

The abaqus procedure will prompt for any information required that is not provided on the command line. If abaqus is typed with no options, prompts are issued for all options.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Environment settings

The Abaqus execution procedure uses environment parameters to customize the execution of a job. These settings can be changed using one of the Abaqus environment files: custom_v6.env or abaqus_v6.env. See Using the Abaqus environment files, Section 4.1 of the Abaqus Installation and Licensing Guide for more details.

If the same job parameter is defined in more than one environment file or is defined more than once within the same environment file, the last definition encountered will be used. Some exceptions to this rule are noted in Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1. These environment files can be used to customize the behavior of Abaqus, including modification of the default options. See Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1, for further information on the environment files.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Selecting TCP/UDP port numbers

Several of the execution procedure command line options, such as port and listenerport, require that you specify a port number. TCP/UDP port numbers can range from 0 to 65535.

Port numbers 0 to 1023 are well-known ports used by system processes (such as FTP, SSH, SMTP, etc.) and should never be used. Port numbers 1024 to 49151 are registered ports with the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) by software vendors. These ports can be used, but you should be careful that you are not conflicting with any software installed on your system that may be using this port. Port numbers 49152 to 65535 are unreserved and can be used freely, as long as no other application uses them.

Ports may be blocked by a firewall. Contact your system administrator to ensure that the ports that you want to specify are not blocked.

You can use the netstat command to obtain information on TCP/UDP network connections.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.