3.2.3 SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine director execution

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CFD  


Co-simulation between Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, and Abaqus/CFD is governed by an additional process, the SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine (CSE) director. Typically, you are not required to invoke the CSE director process; it is invoked automatically when you run the Abaqus co-simulation procedure (Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, Abaqus/CFD, AND FMU co-simulation execution, Section 3.2.4) or if you submit the co-simulation from Abaqus/CAE.

If you are unable to use the Abaqus co-simulation procedure or Abaqus/CAE and are required to submit the co-simulation analyses separately using the Abaqus execution procedure (Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, and Abaqus/CFD execution, Section 3.2.2), you must invoke the CSE director as described in this section.

Command summary

abaqus cse
configure=configuration file-name
listenerport=listener port-number
[timeout=timeout value in seconds]

Command line options


The value of this option specifies the name of the co-simulation summary log file generated during the run. If this option is omitted from the command line, you will be prompted for its value.


This option specifies the name of the SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine configuration file that governs the co-simulation. For more information, see Using the SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine configuration file” in “Preparing an Abaqus analysis for co-simulation, Section 17.2.1.


This option is used to specify the TCP/UDP port number for co-simulation inbound messages to the director. Set listenerport equal to the port number used for the connection.


This option causes the director to check the correctness of the configuration file only.


This option causes the director to run interactively.


This option is used to specify a timeout value in seconds for the co-simulation director connection. The director terminates if it does not receive any communication from the coupled analysis program during the time specified. The default value is 3600 seconds.


The following example illustrates the different functions and capabilities of the co-simulation director execution procedure when you are required to submit the co-simulation analyses separately.

Running an Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit co-simulation

Use the following command for the first Abaqus analysis, running on machine “earth,” to connect to the co-simulation director, running on machine “mercury” and listening on port 44444:

abaqus job=explicit csedirector=mercury:44444
Use the following command for the second Abaqus analysis, running on machine “venus,” to connect to the co-simulation director, running on machine “mercury” and listening on port 44444:
abaqus job=standard csedirector=mercury:44444
Use the following command for the co-simulation director, running on machine “mercury,” to operate according to the co-simulation configuration defined in the file explicit_standard_config.xml and to receive communication via port 44444:
abaqus cse job=cosim listenerport=44444

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3.2.3 SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine director execution

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CFD  

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Co-simulation between Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, and Abaqus/CFD is governed by an additional process, the SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine (CSE) director. Typically, you are not required to invoke the CSE director process; it is invoked automatically when you run the Abaqus co-simulation procedure (Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, Abaqus/CFD, AND FMU co-simulation execution, Section 3.2.4) or if you submit the co-simulation from Abaqus/CAE.

If you are unable to use the Abaqus co-simulation procedure or Abaqus/CAE and are required to submit the co-simulation analyses separately using the Abaqus execution procedure (Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, and Abaqus/CFD execution, Section 3.2.2), you must invoke the CSE director as described in this section.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Command summary

abaqus cse
configure=configuration file-name
listenerport=listener port-number
[timeout=timeout value in seconds]

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Command line options


The value of this option specifies the name of the co-simulation summary log file generated during the run. If this option is omitted from the command line, you will be prompted for its value.


This option specifies the name of the SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine configuration file that governs the co-simulation. For more information, see Using the SIMULIA Co-Simulation Engine configuration file” in “Preparing an Abaqus analysis for co-simulation, Section 17.2.1.


This option is used to specify the TCP/UDP port number for co-simulation inbound messages to the director. Set listenerport equal to the port number used for the connection.


This option causes the director to check the correctness of the configuration file only.


This option causes the director to run interactively.


This option is used to specify a timeout value in seconds for the co-simulation director connection. The director terminates if it does not receive any communication from the coupled analysis program during the time specified. The default value is 3600 seconds.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.


The following example illustrates the different functions and capabilities of the co-simulation director execution procedure when you are required to submit the co-simulation analyses separately.

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Running an Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit co-simulation

Use the following command for the first Abaqus analysis, running on machine “earth,” to connect to the co-simulation director, running on machine “mercury” and listening on port 44444:

abaqus job=explicit csedirector=mercury:44444
Use the following command for the second Abaqus analysis, running on machine “venus,” to connect to the co-simulation director, running on machine “mercury” and listening on port 44444:
abaqus job=standard csedirector=mercury:44444
Use the following command for the co-simulation director, running on machine “mercury,” to operate according to the co-simulation configuration defined in the file explicit_standard_config.xml and to receive communication via port 44444:
abaqus cse job=cosim listenerport=44444

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.