3.2.25 Combining data from multiple output databases

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CFD  


The abaqus odbcombine utility combines the results data in two or more Abaqus output database files (.odb) into a single output database (.odb) file. The abaqus odbcombine utility is intended for the combination of output databases containing different results. If you want to combine output databases from the same analysis before and after a restart, use the abaqus restartjoin execution procedure instead. For more information, see Joining output database (.odb) files from restarted analyses, Section 3.2.23.

Abaqus includes all model data from the selected output databases in the combined output database; however, for results data you can choose to include a subset of the data from the output databases that you specify. Abaqus/CAE determines which results data are included in the combined output database based on two factors: the filtering options you specify and your selection of master output database.


You can filter the data that the utility includes in the combined output database to include results only from selected steps or frames, from selected output variables, or from a combination of these options. For example, a filter can enable you to include results data only from the last step and the last frame of the specified output databases, and the same filter can dictate that only Mises stress results are included in the combined output database. You can also establish multiple filters if you want to set up different filtering conditions for the first step than in the second step.

The abaqus odbcombine utility also provides two levels of filtering: output database–specific filters, which filter results from only a single output database; and default filters, which apply to the entire job. The output database–specific filters take precedence over the default filters, so Abaqus/CAE employs the settings in the default filters only when the default filter you define does not conflict with filters for one of the individual output databases.

The filtering syntax is flexible enough to allow you to specify multiple steps, frame, or output variable values. You can specify multiple step names in a comma-separated list, such as Step-1, Step-2, Step-4. For frames you can include ranges or individual values; for example, entering 1, 3, 5, 7:9 returns frames 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9 to the combined output database.

You can also use the symbolic constants 'ALL', 'FIRST', and 'LAST' as shortcuts to specify the data you want to include. These options enable you to include results data from all steps or frames and data from all output variables rather than one or more selected variables.

Master output database

One output database in every combine operation is designated as the master output database. The utility first transfers all field output data, subject to filtering selections, from the master output database to the combined output database. The utility then locates results data from matching steps and frames in the subsequent output databases and copies only those data into the combined output database. This strategy provides a more coherent structure for the combined results data.

Configuration file usage

The abaqus odbcombine utility uses data in configuration files to determine which output databases to combine, the file to designate as the master output database, and the filtering options to enforce by default and for each output database. The configuration file must be in .xml format, and it can have three types of elements in the following order:

  • The <DefaultFilters> element specifies one or more default filtering definitions. This section is optional, but you must include it if you want to set up default filtering for your combine operation.

  • The <MasterOdb> element specifies the location of the master output database and, if desired, one or more filtering definitions for the data in that output database. This section is required.

  • One <Odb> element is required for each additional output database that you want to include in the combine operation.

You can then specify default filters for output database–specific filters by embedding <Filter> elements within the <DefaultFilters> element or within one of the output database elements.

Configuration file template

The following example illustrates the structure of the configuration file for the abaqus odbcombine utility.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
Your XML file declaration may differ from this one.

<DefaultFilters> The default filtering element is optional. If you include this element in the configuration file, you must include at least one <Filter> element within this section. Filter elements can use the Steps or Frames attributes to refer to symbolic constants or the StepName or FrameIndex attributes to refer to individual steps or frames, as shown in the following examples:
<Filter Steps='step names or symbolic constants' Frames='frame numbers or symbolic constants' VariableName='variable' /> <Filter StepName='full step name' FrameIndex='individual frame number' VariableName='variable' />
<MasterOdb Name='path to master output database'> Filtering elements for the master output database are optional. If you want to filter the data from this output database, include a <Filter> element within this section for each filtering option you want to define. </MasterOdb>
<Odb Name='path to output database'> Filtering elements for the output database are optional. If you want to filter the data from this output database, include a <Filter> element within this section for each filtering option you want to define. </Odb>
Append an <Odb> element for each additional output database you want to include.

Data not included in combined output databases

The following types of output data are not included when you combine output database files:

  • History output.

  • Surface data.

  • Data from analytical rigid part instances.

  • Local coordinate systems associated with field output data.

Command summary

abaqus odbcombine

Command line options


This option specifies the name of the resulting combined output database and the name of the log file. Abaqus also searches for a configuration file by this name.

If you omit this option from the command line, Abaqus will prompt you for its value.


This option specifies the name of the configuration file that specifies the output databases you want to combine and the steps, frames, and output variables to be included in the combination. The configuration file must be in .xml format.


This option specifies the level of detail for the messages that Abaqus writes to the log file. Possible values are 1 or 2. If you specify 1, Abaqus writes only errors and warnings to the log file; if you specify 2, Abaqus also records the filtering options you select and lists the model data and field output data that were successfully copied to the combined output database.

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3.2.25 Combining data from multiple output databases

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CFD  

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The abaqus odbcombine utility combines the results data in two or more Abaqus output database files (.odb) into a single output database (.odb) file. The abaqus odbcombine utility is intended for the combination of output databases containing different results. If you want to combine output databases from the same analysis before and after a restart, use the abaqus restartjoin execution procedure instead. For more information, see Joining output database (.odb) files from restarted analyses, Section 3.2.23.

Abaqus includes all model data from the selected output databases in the combined output database; however, for results data you can choose to include a subset of the data from the output databases that you specify. Abaqus/CAE determines which results data are included in the combined output database based on two factors: the filtering options you specify and your selection of master output database.

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You can filter the data that the utility includes in the combined output database to include results only from selected steps or frames, from selected output variables, or from a combination of these options. For example, a filter can enable you to include results data only from the last step and the last frame of the specified output databases, and the same filter can dictate that only Mises stress results are included in the combined output database. You can also establish multiple filters if you want to set up different filtering conditions for the first step than in the second step.

The abaqus odbcombine utility also provides two levels of filtering: output database–specific filters, which filter results from only a single output database; and default filters, which apply to the entire job. The output database–specific filters take precedence over the default filters, so Abaqus/CAE employs the settings in the default filters only when the default filter you define does not conflict with filters for one of the individual output databases.

The filtering syntax is flexible enough to allow you to specify multiple steps, frame, or output variable values. You can specify multiple step names in a comma-separated list, such as Step-1, Step-2, Step-4. For frames you can include ranges or individual values; for example, entering 1, 3, 5, 7:9 returns frames 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9 to the combined output database.

You can also use the symbolic constants 'ALL', 'FIRST', and 'LAST' as shortcuts to specify the data you want to include. These options enable you to include results data from all steps or frames and data from all output variables rather than one or more selected variables.

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Master output database

One output database in every combine operation is designated as the master output database. The utility first transfers all field output data, subject to filtering selections, from the master output database to the combined output database. The utility then locates results data from matching steps and frames in the subsequent output databases and copies only those data into the combined output database. This strategy provides a more coherent structure for the combined results data.

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Configuration file usage

The abaqus odbcombine utility uses data in configuration files to determine which output databases to combine, the file to designate as the master output database, and the filtering options to enforce by default and for each output database. The configuration file must be in .xml format, and it can have three types of elements in the following order:

  • The <DefaultFilters> element specifies one or more default filtering definitions. This section is optional, but you must include it if you want to set up default filtering for your combine operation.

  • The <MasterOdb> element specifies the location of the master output database and, if desired, one or more filtering definitions for the data in that output database. This section is required.

  • One <Odb> element is required for each additional output database that you want to include in the combine operation.

You can then specify default filters for output database–specific filters by embedding <Filter> elements within the <DefaultFilters> element or within one of the output database elements.

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Configuration file template

The following example illustrates the structure of the configuration file for the abaqus odbcombine utility.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
Your XML file declaration may differ from this one.

<DefaultFilters> The default filtering element is optional. If you include this element in the configuration file, you must include at least one <Filter> element within this section. Filter elements can use the Steps or Frames attributes to refer to symbolic constants or the StepName or FrameIndex attributes to refer to individual steps or frames, as shown in the following examples:
<Filter Steps='step names or symbolic constants' Frames='frame numbers or symbolic constants' VariableName='variable' /> <Filter StepName='full step name' FrameIndex='individual frame number' VariableName='variable' />
<MasterOdb Name='path to master output database'> Filtering elements for the master output database are optional. If you want to filter the data from this output database, include a <Filter> element within this section for each filtering option you want to define. </MasterOdb>
<Odb Name='path to output database'> Filtering elements for the output database are optional. If you want to filter the data from this output database, include a <Filter> element within this section for each filtering option you want to define. </Odb>
Append an <Odb> element for each additional output database you want to include.
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Data not included in combined output databases

The following types of output data are not included when you combine output database files:

  • History output.

  • Surface data.

  • Data from analytical rigid part instances.

  • Local coordinate systems associated with field output data.

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Command summary

abaqus odbcombine

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Command line options


This option specifies the name of the resulting combined output database and the name of the log file. Abaqus also searches for a configuration file by this name.

If you omit this option from the command line, Abaqus will prompt you for its value.


This option specifies the name of the configuration file that specifies the output databases you want to combine and the steps, frames, and output variables to be included in the combination. The configuration file must be in .xml format.


This option specifies the level of detail for the messages that Abaqus writes to the log file. Possible values are 1 or 2. If you specify 1, Abaqus writes only errors and warnings to the log file; if you specify 2, Abaqus also records the filtering options you select and lists the model data and field output data that were successfully copied to the combined output database.

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