3.2.44 Hardware system verification process

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CFD  


The hardware system verification tool provides a way to ensure that the hardware running the Abaqus solvers provides the same results data as that obtained at SIMULIA during Quality Assurance testing. Systems in a shared resource pool may have several variations of hardware and software packages installed to accommodate numerous software applications. This procedure will provide confidence that the Abaqus solver products are running and generating the same results as those obtained at SIMULIA.

Tests can be executed in serial mode or in parallel mode as specified by the cpus option. The tool can be submitted via the queue option to test various resources in the shared pool. Part of the validation is to execute with distributed memory parallel using MPI technology.

Command summary

abaqus sysVerify
 [interactive |  background | queue[=queue-name]]

Command line options


This option is used to specify the number of processors to use during the verification. If the cpus option is not defined or is set to 1, only the serial tests are executed during the validation. If the cpus option is set to 4, both serial and parallel tests are executed with the parallel tests using MPI with 2 cores on two nodes.


This option is used to run the process interactively with the actual analysis still running in the background. The status of the testing is displayed to the screen as the tests are executed. The default run_mode can be set in the environment file (see Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1).


This option is used to submit the process to run in the background, which is the default. Log file output is saved in the file systemValidation.log in the current directory. The default method for submitting the job can be set in the environment file by using the run_mode parameter (see Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1).


This option is used to submit the process to a batch queue. If the option appears with no value, the process is submitted to the system default queue. Quoted strings are allowed. The available queues are site specific. Contact your site administrator to find out more about local queuing capabilities. Use information=local to see what local queuing capabilities have been installed. The default method for submitting the process can be set in the environment file by using the run_mode parameter (see Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1).

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3.2.44 Hardware system verification process

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CFD  

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The hardware system verification tool provides a way to ensure that the hardware running the Abaqus solvers provides the same results data as that obtained at SIMULIA during Quality Assurance testing. Systems in a shared resource pool may have several variations of hardware and software packages installed to accommodate numerous software applications. This procedure will provide confidence that the Abaqus solver products are running and generating the same results as those obtained at SIMULIA.

Tests can be executed in serial mode or in parallel mode as specified by the cpus option. The tool can be submitted via the queue option to test various resources in the shared pool. Part of the validation is to execute with distributed memory parallel using MPI technology.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Command summary

abaqus sysVerify
 [interactive |  background | queue[=queue-name]]

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Command line options


This option is used to specify the number of processors to use during the verification. If the cpus option is not defined or is set to 1, only the serial tests are executed during the validation. If the cpus option is set to 4, both serial and parallel tests are executed with the parallel tests using MPI with 2 cores on two nodes.


This option is used to run the process interactively with the actual analysis still running in the background. The status of the testing is displayed to the screen as the tests are executed. The default run_mode can be set in the environment file (see Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1).


This option is used to submit the process to run in the background, which is the default. Log file output is saved in the file systemValidation.log in the current directory. The default method for submitting the job can be set in the environment file by using the run_mode parameter (see Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1).


This option is used to submit the process to a batch queue. If the option appears with no value, the process is submitted to the system default queue. Quoted strings are allowed. The available queues are site specific. Contact your site administrator to find out more about local queuing capabilities. Use information=local to see what local queuing capabilities have been installed. The default method for submitting the process can be set in the environment file by using the run_mode parameter (see Using the Abaqus environment settings, Section 3.3.1).

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