3.7.1 Fortran unit numbers used by Abaqus

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  


Abaqus uses the Fortran unit numbers outlined in the table below. Unless noted otherwise, you should not try to write to these Fortran units from user subroutines.

For Abaqus/Standard, you should specify unit numbers 15–18 or unit numbers greater than 100 .

For Abaqus/Explicit, specify units 16–18 or unit numbers greater than 100 ending in 5 to 9, e.g. 105, 268, etc. You cannot write to the.sta file.

Fortran unit numbers

CodeUnit NumberDescription
Abaqus/Standard1Internal database
 2Solver file
 6Printed output (.dat) file (You can write output to this file.)
 7Message (.msg) file (You can write output to this file.)
 8Results (.fil) file
 10Internal database
 12Restart (.res) file
 19–30Internal databases (scratch files). Unit numbers 21 and 22 are always written to disk.
 73Text file containing meshed beam cross-section properties (.bsp)

CodeUnit NumberDescription
Abaqus/Explicit6Printed output (.log) .
 12Restart (.res) file
 13Old restart (.res) file, if applicable
 15Analysis Preprocessor (.dat or .pre) file
 23Communications (.023) file
 60Global package (.pac) file
 61Global state (.abq) file
 62Temporary file
 63Global selected results (.sel) file
 64Message (.msg) file
 65Output database (.odb) file
 67Old package (.pac) file, if import from Abaqus/Explicit
 68Old state (.abq) file, if import from Abaqus/Explicit
 69Internal database; temporary file
If domain-parallel 70Local package (.pac.1) file for CPU #1
 71Local state (.abq.1) file for CPU #1
 73Local selected results (.sel.1) file for CPU #1
 80Local package (.pac.2) file for CPU #2
 81Local state (.abq.2) file for CPU #2
 83Local selected results (.sel.2) file for CPU #2
 ...Add three files, incrementing units by 10, for each additional CPU

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3.7.1 Fortran unit numbers used by Abaqus

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  

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Abaqus uses the Fortran unit numbers outlined in the table below. Unless noted otherwise, you should not try to write to these Fortran units from user subroutines.

For Abaqus/Standard, you should specify unit numbers 15–18 or unit numbers greater than 100 .

For Abaqus/Explicit, specify units 16–18 or unit numbers greater than 100 ending in 5 to 9, e.g. 105, 268, etc. You cannot write to the.sta file.

Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Fortran unit numbers

CodeUnit NumberDescription
Abaqus/Standard1Internal database
 2Solver file
 6Printed output (.dat) file (You can write output to this file.)
 7Message (.msg) file (You can write output to this file.)
 8Results (.fil) file
 10Internal database
 12Restart (.res) file
 19–30Internal databases (scratch files). Unit numbers 21 and 22 are always written to disk.
 73Text file containing meshed beam cross-section properties (.bsp)

CodeUnit NumberDescription
Abaqus/Explicit6Printed output (.log) .
 12Restart (.res) file
 13Old restart (.res) file, if applicable
 15Analysis Preprocessor (.dat or .pre) file
 23Communications (.023) file
 60Global package (.pac) file
 61Global state (.abq) file
 62Temporary file
 63Global selected results (.sel) file
 64Message (.msg) file
 65Output database (.odb) file
 67Old package (.pac) file, if import from Abaqus/Explicit
 68Old state (.abq) file, if import from Abaqus/Explicit
 69Internal database; temporary file
If domain-parallel 70Local package (.pac.1) file for CPU #1
 71Local state (.abq.1) file for CPU #1
 73Local selected results (.sel.1) file for CPU #1
 80Local package (.pac.2) file for CPU #2
 81Local state (.abq.2) file for CPU #2
 83Local selected results (.sel.2) file for CPU #2
 ...Add three files, incrementing units by 10, for each additional CPU

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.