6.3.6 Complex eigenvalue extraction

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/CAE  


The complex eigenvalue extraction procedure:

Complex eigenvalue extraction

The complex eigenvalue extraction procedure uses a projection method to extract the complex eigenvalues of the current system. The eigenvalue problem of the finite element model is formulated in the following manner:


is the mass matrix (which is symmetric and, in general, is semi-positive definite);

is the damping matrix;

is the stiffness matrix (which can include initial stress stiffness and friction effects and, therefore, in general is unsymmetric);

is the complex eigenvalue;

is the right complex eigenvector;

is the left complex eigenvector and is defined as follows:

where is a transpose conjugate left eigenvector

M and N

are degrees of freedom.

The complex eigenvalue extraction procedure in Abaqus/Standard uses a subspace projection method; thus, the eigenmodes of the undamped system with the symmetrized stiffness matrix must be extracted using the eigenfrequency extraction procedure prior to the complex eigenvalue extraction step. By default, the entire subspace is used as the base vector; this subspace can be reduced as described below. Abaqus/Standard always computes all the complex eigenmodes available in the projection subspace (taking into account any user-specified modifications to the subspace). The user-specified number of requested eigenmodes and frequency range for the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure do not influence the number of computed complex eigenmodes. It determines only the number of reported modes, which cannot be higher than the dimension of the projected subspace. To modify the number of computed eigenmodes, reduce the projection subspace as described below or change the number of eigenmodes extracted in the prior natural frequency extraction step accordingly. If you do not specify the number of requested complex modes or the frequency range, all the computed modes will be reported.

To take into account the unsymmetric effects, the unsymmetric matrix solution and storage scheme is used automatically for a complex eigenvalue extraction step. The unsymmetric effects will be disregarded if you specify that the symmetric solution and storage scheme should be used (see Defining an analysis, Section 6.1.2).

Input File Usage:          
number of complex eigenmodes, frequency_min, frequency_max

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Step module: Create Step: Linear perturbation: Complex frequency: Number of eigenvalues requested: All or Value, Minimum frequency of interest (cycles/time): value, Maximum frequency of interest (cycles/time): value

Shift point

You can specify a shift point, S, in cycles per time, for the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure (S ≥ 0). Abaqus/Standard reports the complex eigenmodes, , in order of increasing so that the modes with the imaginary part closest to a given shift point are reported first. This feature is useful when a particular frequency range is of concern. The default is no shift.

Input File Usage:          
 , , , S

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Step module: Create Step: Linear perturbation: Complex frequency: Frequency shift (cycles/time): S


For complex eigenvalue extraction analysis both displacement and modal complex eigenvector normalization are available. Displacement normalization is the default in SIM-based analysis. Modal normalization is the only option available if the SIM-based architecture is not used.

If displacement normalization is selected, the complex eigenvectors are normalized so that the largest value in each vector is unity and the imaginary part is zero. If modal normalization is selected, only the complex eigenvectors of the projected system (GU) are normalized using the displacement method and no normalization of the complex eigenvectors in the finite element subspace is performed. For large eigenproblems the displacement normalization can become time consuming; therefore, modal normalization is recommended.

Input File Usage:          Use the following option to select displacement normalization (available only if the SIM-based architecture is used):

Use the following option to select modal normalization (the only option if the SIM-based architecture is not used):


Abaqus/CAE Usage:   You cannot select the normalization method of the complex eigenvectors in Abaqus/CAE; the default method is used.

Selecting the eigenmodes on which to project

You can select eigenmodes of the undamped system with the symmetrized stiffness matrix on which the subspace projection will be performed. You can select them by specifying the mode numbers individually, by requesting that Abaqus/Standard generate the mode numbers automatically, or by requesting the eigenmodes that belong to specified frequency ranges. If you do not select the eigenmodes, all modes extracted in the prior eigenfrequency extraction step are used in the modal superposition.

Input File Usage:          Use one of the following options to select the eigenmodes by specifying mode numbers:

Use the following option to define the eigenmodes by specifying a frequency range:


Abaqus/CAE Usage:   You cannot select the eigenmodes in Abaqus/CAE; all modes extracted are used in the subspace projection.

Evaluating frequency-dependent material properties

When frequency-dependent material properties are specified, Abaqus/Standard offers the option of choosing the frequency at which these properties are evaluated for use in the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure. This evaluation is necessary because the operators cannot be modified during the eigenvalue extraction procedure. If you do not choose the frequency, Abaqus/Standard evaluates the stiffness and damping associated with frequency-dependent springs and dashpots at zero frequency and does not consider the stiffness and damping contributions from frequency-domain viscoelasticity. If you do specify a frequency, the stiffness and damping contributions from frequency-domain viscoelasticity are considered.

Input File Usage:          

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Step module: Create Step: Complex Frequency: Other: Evaluate dependent properties at frequency: value

Right and left complex eigenvectors

For complex eigenvalue extraction analysis right or left complex eigenvectors can be requested. By default, the right eigenvectors are extracted. The left eigenvectors are available only in analyses that are based on the SIM architecture. You can extract both right and left complex eigenvectors in the same analysis, but they must be requested in separate steps. You should select modal normalization of the complex eigenvectors if you want to extract both the right and left eigenvectors.

Input File Usage:          Use the following option to extract the right complex eigenvectors:
*COMPLEX FREQUENCY, RIGHT EIGENVECTORS  (default, the only option if the SIM architecture is not used)

Use the following option to extract the left complex eigenvectors:

*COMPLEX FREQUENCY, LEFT EIGENVECTORS (only if the SIM architecture is used)

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   Only the right complex eigenvectors are extracted in Abaqus/CAE.

Contact conditions with sliding friction

Abaqus/Standard automatically detects the contact nodes that are slipping due to velocity differences imposed by the motion of the reference frame or the transport velocity in prior steps. At those nodes the tangential degrees of freedom will not be constrained and the effect of friction will result in an unsymmetric contribution to the stiffness matrix. At other nodes in contact the tangential degrees of freedom will be constrained.

Friction at contact nodes at which a velocity differential is imposed can give rise to damping terms. There are two kinds of friction-induced damping effects. The first effect is caused by the friction forces stabilizing the vibrations in the direction perpendicular to the slip direction. This effect exists only in three-dimensional analysis. The second effect is caused by a velocity-dependent friction coefficient. If the friction coefficient decreases with velocity (which is usually the case), the effect is destabilizing and is also known as “negative damping.” For more details, see Coulomb friction, Section 5.2.3 of the Abaqus Theory Guide. The complex eigensolver allows you to include these friction-induced contributions to the damping matrix.

Input File Usage:          

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Step module: Create Step: Linear perturbation: Complex frequency: Include friction-induced damping effects


In complex eigenvalue extraction analysis damping can be defined by dashpots (see Dashpots, Section 32.2.1), by “Rayleigh” damping associated with materials and elements (see Material damping, Section 26.1.1), and by quiet boundaries on infinite elements or acoustic elements. In addition, as described in “Contact conditions with sliding friction” above, friction-induced damping can be included.

Structural damping, damping contributions from frequency-domain viscoelasticity, and all types of modal damping (except composite modal damping) are supported in complex eigenvalue extraction using the high-performance SIM architecture.

Prescribing motion, transport velocity, and acoustic flow velocity

Motion, transport velocity, and acoustic flow velocity affect complex frequency analyses. Motion and transport velocity must be specified in a preceding steady-state transport general step, and their effects are included in the complex frequency step. The acoustic flow velocity has no effect in steady-state transport steps, and acoustic flow velocities specified in a steady-state transport step are not propagated to perturbation steps. The acoustic flow velocity must be specified in each linear perturbation step where it is desired.

Initial conditions

Initial conditions cannot be specified for complex eigenvalue extraction.

Boundary conditions

Boundary conditions cannot be defined during complex eigenvalue extraction. The boundary conditions will be the same as in the prior natural frequency extraction analysis.


Applied loads (Applying loads: overview, Section 34.4.1) are ignored during a complex eigenvalue extraction. If loads were applied in a previous general analysis step in which nonlinear geometric effects were included, the load stiffness determined at the end of the previous general analysis step is included in the complex eigenvalue extraction (see General and linear perturbation procedures, Section 6.1.3).

Coriolis distributed loading adds an unsymmetric contribution to the damping operator, which is currently accounted for only in solid and truss elements.

Predefined fields

Predefined fields cannot be prescribed during complex eigenvalue extraction.

Material options

The density of the material must be defined (see Density, Section 21.2.1). The following material properties are not active during complex eigenvalue extraction:

  • plasticity and other inelastic effects;

  • rate-dependent material properties, excluding friction, which can be rate dependent if the velocity differential on the contact interface exists;

  • thermal properties;

  • mass diffusion properties;

  • electrical properties (although piezoelectric materials are active); and

  • pore fluid flow properties.


Other than generalized axisymmetric elements with twist, any of the stress/displacement elements in Abaqus/Standard (including those with temperature or pressure degrees of freedom) can be used in complex eigenvalue extraction.


The real (EIGREAL) and imaginary (EIGIMAG) parts of the eigenvalues, ( and ); frequencies in cycles/time (EIGFREQ); and effective damping ratios (DAMPRATIO = ) are written automatically to the data (.dat) file and to the output database (.odb) file as history data. In addition, you can request that the generalized displacements (GU), which are the modes of the projected system, be written to the output database file (see Output to the output database, Section 4.1.3). Output variables such as stress, strain, and displacement (which represent mode shapes) are also available for each eigenvalue; these quantities are perturbation values and represent mode shapes, not absolute values.

The only energy density available in eigenvalue extraction procedures is the elastic strain energy density, SENER. All of the output variable identifiers are outlined in Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers, Section 4.2.1.

You can restrict output to the data file and output database file by selecting the modes for which output is desired (see Output to the data and results files, Section 4.1.2) or Output to the output database, Section 4.1.3). Output to the results (.fil) file is not available for the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure.

Setting the cutoff value for complex eigenmodes

You can also set the cutoff value for complex eigenmodes, so only complex modes with the real part of the eigenvalue higher than the cutoff value are written to the output database file. The default cutoff value is 0.0. If the cutoff value is not set, all complex modes are output.

Input File Usage:          Use one of the following options to select complex eigenmodes for output:

The SIM architecture

The complex eigenvalue extraction analysis can be performed using the SIM architecture. The advantages of performing the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure using the SIM architecture are as follows:

  • structural damping, including damping defined with viscoelastic material, is taken into account;

  • modal damping can be specified;

  • matrices representing the stiffness, mass, and damping can be defined (both symmetric and unsymmetric matrices are supported); and

  • the AMS eigensolver can be used to generate the projection subspace for the complex eigenvalue extraction.

When the AMS eigensolver is used for computing the projection subspace, you should increase the accuracy of the AMS eigensolution by increasing the values of the AMS parameters and by increasing the highest frequency of interest.

Input file template

Specify zero friction coefficient
Data lines to specify zero-valued boundary conditions
Data lines to specify initial conditions
If NLGEOM is used, initial stress and preload stiffness effects
will be included in the eigenvalue extraction steps
Data lines to specify loads
Data lines to specify values of predefined fields
Data lines to specify zero-valued or nonzero boundary conditions
Data line to define incrementation
Data lines to redefine friction coefficient
Data lines to define the velocity differential
Data line to control eigenvalue extraction
Data line to control complex eigenvalue extraction
Data lines to define applicable mode ranges
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6.3.6 Complex eigenvalue extraction

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/CAE  

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The complex eigenvalue extraction procedure:

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Complex eigenvalue extraction

The complex eigenvalue extraction procedure uses a projection method to extract the complex eigenvalues of the current system. The eigenvalue problem of the finite element model is formulated in the following manner:


is the mass matrix (which is symmetric and, in general, is semi-positive definite);

is the damping matrix;

is the stiffness matrix (which can include initial stress stiffness and friction effects and, therefore, in general is unsymmetric);

is the complex eigenvalue;

is the right complex eigenvector;

is the left complex eigenvector and is defined as follows:

where is a transpose conjugate left eigenvector

M and N

are degrees of freedom.

The complex eigenvalue extraction procedure in Abaqus/Standard uses a subspace projection method; thus, the eigenmodes of the undamped system with the symmetrized stiffness matrix must be extracted using the eigenfrequency extraction procedure prior to the complex eigenvalue extraction step. By default, the entire subspace is used as the base vector; this subspace can be reduced as described below. Abaqus/Standard always computes all the complex eigenmodes available in the projection subspace (taking into account any user-specified modifications to the subspace). The user-specified number of requested eigenmodes and frequency range for the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure do not influence the number of computed complex eigenmodes. It determines only the number of reported modes, which cannot be higher than the dimension of the projected subspace. To modify the number of computed eigenmodes, reduce the projection subspace as described below or change the number of eigenmodes extracted in the prior natural frequency extraction step accordingly. If you do not specify the number of requested complex modes or the frequency range, all the computed modes will be reported.

To take into account the unsymmetric effects, the unsymmetric matrix solution and storage scheme is used automatically for a complex eigenvalue extraction step. The unsymmetric effects will be disregarded if you specify that the symmetric solution and storage scheme should be used (see Defining an analysis, Section 6.1.2).

Input File Usage:          
number of complex eigenmodes, frequency_min, frequency_max

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Step module: Create Step: Linear perturbation: Complex frequency: Number of eigenvalues requested: All or Value, Minimum frequency of interest (cycles/time): value, Maximum frequency of interest (cycles/time): value

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Shift point

You can specify a shift point, S, in cycles per time, for the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure (S ≥ 0). Abaqus/Standard reports the complex eigenmodes, , in order of increasing so that the modes with the imaginary part closest to a given shift point are reported first. This feature is useful when a particular frequency range is of concern. The default is no shift.

Input File Usage:          
 , , , S

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Step module: Create Step: Linear perturbation: Complex frequency: Frequency shift (cycles/time): S

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.


For complex eigenvalue extraction analysis both displacement and modal complex eigenvector normalization are available. Displacement normalization is the default in SIM-based analysis. Modal normalization is the only option available if the SIM-based architecture is not used.

If displacement normalization is selected, the complex eigenvectors are normalized so that the largest value in each vector is unity and the imaginary part is zero. If modal normalization is selected, only the complex eigenvectors of the projected system (GU) are normalized using the displacement method and no normalization of the complex eigenvectors in the finite element subspace is performed. For large eigenproblems the displacement normalization can become time consuming; therefore, modal normalization is recommended.

Input File Usage:          Use the following option to select displacement normalization (available only if the SIM-based architecture is used):

Use the following option to select modal normalization (the only option if the SIM-based architecture is not used):


Abaqus/CAE Usage:   You cannot select the normalization method of the complex eigenvectors in Abaqus/CAE; the default method is used.

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Selecting the eigenmodes on which to project

You can select eigenmodes of the undamped system with the symmetrized stiffness matrix on which the subspace projection will be performed. You can select them by specifying the mode numbers individually, by requesting that Abaqus/Standard generate the mode numbers automatically, or by requesting the eigenmodes that belong to specified frequency ranges. If you do not select the eigenmodes, all modes extracted in the prior eigenfrequency extraction step are used in the modal superposition.

Input File Usage:          Use one of the following options to select the eigenmodes by specifying mode numbers:

Use the following option to define the eigenmodes by specifying a frequency range:


Abaqus/CAE Usage:   You cannot select the eigenmodes in Abaqus/CAE; all modes extracted are used in the subspace projection.

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Evaluating frequency-dependent material properties

When frequency-dependent material properties are specified, Abaqus/Standard offers the option of choosing the frequency at which these properties are evaluated for use in the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure. This evaluation is necessary because the operators cannot be modified during the eigenvalue extraction procedure. If you do not choose the frequency, Abaqus/Standard evaluates the stiffness and damping associated with frequency-dependent springs and dashpots at zero frequency and does not consider the stiffness and damping contributions from frequency-domain viscoelasticity. If you do specify a frequency, the stiffness and damping contributions from frequency-domain viscoelasticity are considered.

Input File Usage:          

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Step module: Create Step: Complex Frequency: Other: Evaluate dependent properties at frequency: value

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Right and left complex eigenvectors

For complex eigenvalue extraction analysis right or left complex eigenvectors can be requested. By default, the right eigenvectors are extracted. The left eigenvectors are available only in analyses that are based on the SIM architecture. You can extract both right and left complex eigenvectors in the same analysis, but they must be requested in separate steps. You should select modal normalization of the complex eigenvectors if you want to extract both the right and left eigenvectors.

Input File Usage:          Use the following option to extract the right complex eigenvectors:
*COMPLEX FREQUENCY, RIGHT EIGENVECTORS  (default, the only option if the SIM architecture is not used)

Use the following option to extract the left complex eigenvectors:

*COMPLEX FREQUENCY, LEFT EIGENVECTORS (only if the SIM architecture is used)

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   Only the right complex eigenvectors are extracted in Abaqus/CAE.

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Contact conditions with sliding friction

Abaqus/Standard automatically detects the contact nodes that are slipping due to velocity differences imposed by the motion of the reference frame or the transport velocity in prior steps. At those nodes the tangential degrees of freedom will not be constrained and the effect of friction will result in an unsymmetric contribution to the stiffness matrix. At other nodes in contact the tangential degrees of freedom will be constrained.

Friction at contact nodes at which a velocity differential is imposed can give rise to damping terms. There are two kinds of friction-induced damping effects. The first effect is caused by the friction forces stabilizing the vibrations in the direction perpendicular to the slip direction. This effect exists only in three-dimensional analysis. The second effect is caused by a velocity-dependent friction coefficient. If the friction coefficient decreases with velocity (which is usually the case), the effect is destabilizing and is also known as “negative damping.” For more details, see Coulomb friction, Section 5.2.3 of the Abaqus Theory Guide. The complex eigensolver allows you to include these friction-induced contributions to the damping matrix.

Input File Usage:          

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Step module: Create Step: Linear perturbation: Complex frequency: Include friction-induced damping effects

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In complex eigenvalue extraction analysis damping can be defined by dashpots (see Dashpots, Section 32.2.1), by “Rayleigh” damping associated with materials and elements (see Material damping, Section 26.1.1), and by quiet boundaries on infinite elements or acoustic elements. In addition, as described in “Contact conditions with sliding friction” above, friction-induced damping can be included.

Structural damping, damping contributions from frequency-domain viscoelasticity, and all types of modal damping (except composite modal damping) are supported in complex eigenvalue extraction using the high-performance SIM architecture.

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Prescribing motion, transport velocity, and acoustic flow velocity

Motion, transport velocity, and acoustic flow velocity affect complex frequency analyses. Motion and transport velocity must be specified in a preceding steady-state transport general step, and their effects are included in the complex frequency step. The acoustic flow velocity has no effect in steady-state transport steps, and acoustic flow velocities specified in a steady-state transport step are not propagated to perturbation steps. The acoustic flow velocity must be specified in each linear perturbation step where it is desired.

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Initial conditions

Initial conditions cannot be specified for complex eigenvalue extraction.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Boundary conditions

Boundary conditions cannot be defined during complex eigenvalue extraction. The boundary conditions will be the same as in the prior natural frequency extraction analysis.

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Applied loads (Applying loads: overview, Section 34.4.1) are ignored during a complex eigenvalue extraction. If loads were applied in a previous general analysis step in which nonlinear geometric effects were included, the load stiffness determined at the end of the previous general analysis step is included in the complex eigenvalue extraction (see General and linear perturbation procedures, Section 6.1.3).

Coriolis distributed loading adds an unsymmetric contribution to the damping operator, which is currently accounted for only in solid and truss elements.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Predefined fields

Predefined fields cannot be prescribed during complex eigenvalue extraction.

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Material options

The density of the material must be defined (see Density, Section 21.2.1). The following material properties are not active during complex eigenvalue extraction:

  • plasticity and other inelastic effects;

  • rate-dependent material properties, excluding friction, which can be rate dependent if the velocity differential on the contact interface exists;

  • thermal properties;

  • mass diffusion properties;

  • electrical properties (although piezoelectric materials are active); and

  • pore fluid flow properties.

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Other than generalized axisymmetric elements with twist, any of the stress/displacement elements in Abaqus/Standard (including those with temperature or pressure degrees of freedom) can be used in complex eigenvalue extraction.

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The real (EIGREAL) and imaginary (EIGIMAG) parts of the eigenvalues, ( and ); frequencies in cycles/time (EIGFREQ); and effective damping ratios (DAMPRATIO = ) are written automatically to the data (.dat) file and to the output database (.odb) file as history data. In addition, you can request that the generalized displacements (GU), which are the modes of the projected system, be written to the output database file (see Output to the output database, Section 4.1.3). Output variables such as stress, strain, and displacement (which represent mode shapes) are also available for each eigenvalue; these quantities are perturbation values and represent mode shapes, not absolute values.

The only energy density available in eigenvalue extraction procedures is the elastic strain energy density, SENER. All of the output variable identifiers are outlined in Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers, Section 4.2.1.

You can restrict output to the data file and output database file by selecting the modes for which output is desired (see Output to the data and results files, Section 4.1.2) or Output to the output database, Section 4.1.3). Output to the results (.fil) file is not available for the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure.

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Setting the cutoff value for complex eigenmodes

You can also set the cutoff value for complex eigenmodes, so only complex modes with the real part of the eigenvalue higher than the cutoff value are written to the output database file. The default cutoff value is 0.0. If the cutoff value is not set, all complex modes are output.

Input File Usage:          Use one of the following options to select complex eigenmodes for output:

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The SIM architecture

The complex eigenvalue extraction analysis can be performed using the SIM architecture. The advantages of performing the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure using the SIM architecture are as follows:

  • structural damping, including damping defined with viscoelastic material, is taken into account;

  • modal damping can be specified;

  • matrices representing the stiffness, mass, and damping can be defined (both symmetric and unsymmetric matrices are supported); and

  • the AMS eigensolver can be used to generate the projection subspace for the complex eigenvalue extraction.

When the AMS eigensolver is used for computing the projection subspace, you should increase the accuracy of the AMS eigensolution by increasing the values of the AMS parameters and by increasing the highest frequency of interest.

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Input file template

Specify zero friction coefficient
Data lines to specify zero-valued boundary conditions
Data lines to specify initial conditions
If NLGEOM is used, initial stress and preload stiffness effects
will be included in the eigenvalue extraction steps
Data lines to specify loads
Data lines to specify values of predefined fields
Data lines to specify zero-valued or nonzero boundary conditions
Data line to define incrementation
Data lines to redefine friction coefficient
Data lines to define the velocity differential
Data line to control eigenvalue extraction
Data line to control complex eigenvalue extraction
Data lines to define applicable mode ranges
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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.