6.6.1 Fluid dynamic analysis procedures: overview


Abaqus/CFD provides advanced computational fluid dynamics capabilities with extensive support for preprocessing and postprocessing provided in Abaqus/CAE. These scalable parallel CFD simulation capabilities address a broad range of nonlinear coupled fluid-thermal and fluid-structural problems.

Abaqus/CFD can solve the following types of incompressible flow problems:

Laminar and turbulent: Internal or external flows that are steady-state or transient, span a broad Reynolds number range, and involve complex geometry may be simulated with Abaqus/CFD. This includes flow problems induced by spatially varying distributed body forces.

Thermal convective: Problems that involve heat transfer and require an energy equation and that may involve buoyancy-driven flows (i.e., natural convection) can also be solved with Abaqus/CFD. This type of problem includes turbulent heat transfer for a broad range of Prandtl numbers.

Deforming-mesh ALE: Abaqus/CFD includes the ability to perform deforming-mesh analyses using an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) description of the equations of motion, heat transfer, and turbulent transport. Deforming-mesh problems may include prescribed boundary motion that induces fluid flow or FSI problems where the boundary motion is relatively independent of the fluid flow.

For more details, see Incompressible fluid dynamic analysis, Section 6.6.2.

Activation of fields in Abaqus/CFD

In Abaqus/CFD the active fields (degrees of freedom) are determined by the analysis procedure and the options specified, such as turbulence models and auxiliary transport equations. For example, using the energy equation in conjunction with the incompressible flow procedure activates the velocity, pressure, and temperature degrees of freedom. For a complete listing of the available degrees of freedom, see Active degrees of freedom” in “Boundary conditions in Abaqus/CFD, Section 34.3.2.

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6.6.1 Fluid dynamic analysis procedures: overview

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Abaqus/CFD provides advanced computational fluid dynamics capabilities with extensive support for preprocessing and postprocessing provided in Abaqus/CAE. These scalable parallel CFD simulation capabilities address a broad range of nonlinear coupled fluid-thermal and fluid-structural problems.

Abaqus/CFD can solve the following types of incompressible flow problems:

Laminar and turbulent: Internal or external flows that are steady-state or transient, span a broad Reynolds number range, and involve complex geometry may be simulated with Abaqus/CFD. This includes flow problems induced by spatially varying distributed body forces.

Thermal convective: Problems that involve heat transfer and require an energy equation and that may involve buoyancy-driven flows (i.e., natural convection) can also be solved with Abaqus/CFD. This type of problem includes turbulent heat transfer for a broad range of Prandtl numbers.

Deforming-mesh ALE: Abaqus/CFD includes the ability to perform deforming-mesh analyses using an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) description of the equations of motion, heat transfer, and turbulent transport. Deforming-mesh problems may include prescribed boundary motion that induces fluid flow or FSI problems where the boundary motion is relatively independent of the fluid flow.

For more details, see Incompressible fluid dynamic analysis, Section 6.6.2.

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Activation of fields in Abaqus/CFD

In Abaqus/CFD the active fields (degrees of freedom) are determined by the analysis procedure and the options specified, such as turbulence models and auxiliary transport equations. For example, using the energy equation in conjunction with the incompressible flow procedure activates the velocity, pressure, and temperature degrees of freedom. For a complete listing of the available degrees of freedom, see Active degrees of freedom” in “Boundary conditions in Abaqus/CFD, Section 34.3.2.

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