32.2.2 Dashpot element library

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CAE  


This section provides a reference to the dashpot elements available in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.

Element types

DASHPOTAAxial dashpot between two nodes, whose line of action is the line joining the two nodes
DASHPOT1(S)    Dashpot between a node and ground, acting in a fixed direction
DASHPOT2(S)    Dashpot between two nodes, acting in a fixed direction

Active degrees of freedom

DASHPOTA: 1, 2, 3. The translational degree of freedom in the 3-direction is not activated in an Abaqus/Standard analysis if both nodes of the element are connected to two-dimensional entities such as two-dimensional analytical rigid surfaces, two-dimensional beam elements, etc.

DASHPOT1 or DASHPOT2: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. If you specify a local orientation for the dashpot, these are local degrees of freedom. Otherwise, these are global degrees of freedom.

Additional solution variables


Nodal coordinates required

DASHPOTA: X, Y, Z. These coordinates are used in the calculation of the action of the element.

DASHPOT1 or DASHPOT2: None. The element nodes do not need to have coordinates defined since the action associated with these elements is defined by specifying the degrees of freedom involved.

Element property definition

Input File Usage:          *DASHPOT

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Property or Interaction module: SpecialSprings/DashpotsCreate

Element-based loading


Element output


The force in the dashpot.


The relative displacement across the dashpot.


The relative velocity across the dashpot (available only from Abaqus/Standard).

Node ordering on elements

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32.2.2 Dashpot element library

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CAE  

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This section provides a reference to the dashpot elements available in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.

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Element types

DASHPOTAAxial dashpot between two nodes, whose line of action is the line joining the two nodes
DASHPOT1(S)    Dashpot between a node and ground, acting in a fixed direction
DASHPOT2(S)    Dashpot between two nodes, acting in a fixed direction

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Active degrees of freedom

DASHPOTA: 1, 2, 3. The translational degree of freedom in the 3-direction is not activated in an Abaqus/Standard analysis if both nodes of the element are connected to two-dimensional entities such as two-dimensional analytical rigid surfaces, two-dimensional beam elements, etc.

DASHPOT1 or DASHPOT2: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. If you specify a local orientation for the dashpot, these are local degrees of freedom. Otherwise, these are global degrees of freedom.

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Additional solution variables


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Nodal coordinates required

DASHPOTA: X, Y, Z. These coordinates are used in the calculation of the action of the element.

DASHPOT1 or DASHPOT2: None. The element nodes do not need to have coordinates defined since the action associated with these elements is defined by specifying the degrees of freedom involved.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Element property definition

Input File Usage:          *DASHPOT

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Property or Interaction module: SpecialSprings/DashpotsCreate

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Element-based loading


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Element output


The force in the dashpot.


The relative displacement across the dashpot.


The relative velocity across the dashpot (available only from Abaqus/Standard).

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Node ordering on elements

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