32.5.2 Choosing a cohesive element

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  


The Abaqus cohesive element library includes:

  • elements for two-dimensional analyses;

  • elements for three-dimensional analyses; and

  • elements for axisymmetric analyses.

Naming convention

The cohesive elements used in Abaqus are named as follows:

For example, COH2D4 is a 4-node, two-dimensional cohesive element. For pore pressure cohesive elements that model the transition from Darcy flow to Poiseuille flow, the first three letters for the elements' names are changed to COD. For example, COD2D4P is the 4-node, two-dimensional pore pressure cohesive element with transitional modeling from Darcy flow to Poiseuille flow.

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32.5.2 Choosing a cohesive element

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  

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The Abaqus cohesive element library includes:

  • elements for two-dimensional analyses;

  • elements for three-dimensional analyses; and

  • elements for axisymmetric analyses.

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Naming convention

The cohesive elements used in Abaqus are named as follows:

For example, COH2D4 is a 4-node, two-dimensional cohesive element. For pore pressure cohesive elements that model the transition from Darcy flow to Poiseuille flow, the first three letters for the elements' names are changed to COD. For example, COD2D4P is the 4-node, two-dimensional pore pressure cohesive element with transitional modeling from Darcy flow to Poiseuille flow.

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