32.14.2 Eulerian element library

Products: Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CAE  


This section provides a reference to the Eulerian elements available in Abaqus/Explicit.

Element types

Eulerian stress/displacement element

EC3D8R 8-node linear brick, multimaterial, reduced integration with hourglass control

Active degrees of freedom

1, 2, 3

Additional solution variables


Eulerian thermally coupled element

EC3D8RT 8-node thermally coupled linear brick, multimaterial, reduced integration with hourglass control

Active degrees of freedom

1, 2, 3,11

Additional solution variables


Nodal coordinates required

X, Y, Z

Element property definition

You must specify a list of materials that may be present in the Eulerian element. You can also assign a material instance name to each material (see Eulerian section definition” in “Eulerian analysis, Section 14.1.1).

Input File Usage:          

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Property module: Create Section: select Solid as the section Category and Eulerian as the section Type

Element-based loading

Distributed loads

Distributed loads are available only for Eulerian elements. They are specified as described in Distributed loads, Section 34.4.3.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  BX

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Body force in global X-direction.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  BY

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Body force in global Y-direction.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  BZ

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Body force in global Z-direction.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Nonuniform body force in global X-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Nonuniform body force in global Y-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard  and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Nonuniform body force in global Z-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard  and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Gravity

Units:  LT–2

Description:  Gravity loading in a specified direction (magnitude is input as acceleration).

Load ID (*DLOAD):  Pn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Pressure on face n.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  PnNU

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform pressure on face n with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  SBF

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–5T2

Description:  Stagnation body force in global X-, Y-, and Z-directions.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  SPn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–4T2

Description:  Stagnation pressure on face n.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Shear traction on face n.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  General traction on face n.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  VBF

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–4T

Description:  Viscous body force in global X-, Y-, and Z-directions.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  VPn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–3T

Description:  Viscous pressure on face n, applying a pressure proportional to the velocity normal to the face and opposing the motion.

Distributed heat fluxes

Distributed heat fluxes are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*DFLUX):  BF

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body heat flux

Units:  JL–3T–1

Description:  Heat body flux per unit volume.

Load ID (*DFLUX):  Sn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface heat flux

Units:  JL–2T–1

Description:  Heat surface flux per unit area into face n.

Film conditions

Film conditions are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*FILM):  Fn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface film condition

Units:  JL–2T–1–1

Description:  Film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on face n.

Radiation types

Radiation conditions are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*RADIATE):  Rn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface radiation

Units:  Dimensionless

Description:  Emissivity and sink temperature (units of ) provided on face n.

Surface-based loading

Distributed loads

Surface-based distributed loads are available for Eulerian elements. They are specified as described in Distributed loads, Section 34.4.3.

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  P

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Pressure on the element surface.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform pressure on the element surface with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  SP

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–4T2

Description:  Stagnation pressure on the element surface.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Shear traction on the element surface.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  General traction on the element surface.

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  VP

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–3T

Description:  Viscous pressure applied on the element surface. The viscous pressure is proportional to the velocity normal to the element face and opposing the motion.

Distributed heat fluxes

Surface-based heat fluxes are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*DSFLUX):  S

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface heat flux

Units:  JL–2T–1

Description:  Heat surface flux per unit area into the element surface.

Film conditions

Surface-based film conditions are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*SFILM):  F

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface film condition

Units:  JL–2T–1–1

Description:  Film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the element surface.

Radiation types

Surface-based radiation conditions are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface radiation

Units:  Dimensionless

Description:  Emissivity and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the element surface.

Element output

A set of output variables is written for each Eulerian material instance listed in the Eulerian section definition. The output variable names are automatically appended with the material instance names. For example, if you define material instances named “steel” and “tin” and request stress output, the first stress components will be written to separate output variables named “S11_steel” and “S11_tin.”

All output is given in global coordinates.

Stress and other tensor components

Stress and other tensors (excluding total strain tensors) are available. All tensors have the same components. For example, the stress components are as follows:


, direct stress.


, direct stress.


, direct stress.


, shear stress.


, shear stress.


, shear stress.

Element-averaged quantities

Several output variables are also available as element-averaged quantities. These variables are computed as a volume fraction weighted average of all materials present in the element. Use of these variables can substantially decrease the size of the output database for models with many Eulerian materials. For example:


Volume fraction averaged stress.

Node ordering and face numbering on elements

All elements must have eight nodes. Degenerate elements are not supported.

Element faces

Face 11 – 2 – 3 – 4 face
Face 25 – 8 – 7 – 6 face
Face 31 – 5 – 6 – 2 face
Face 42 – 6 – 7 – 3 face
Face 53 – 7 – 8 – 4 face
Face 64 – 8 – 5 – 1 face

Numbering of integration points for output

The single integration point is located at the centroid of the element. All materials within the element are evaluated at this integration point.

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32.14.2 Eulerian element library

Products: Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CAE  

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This section provides a reference to the Eulerian elements available in Abaqus/Explicit.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Element types

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Eulerian stress/displacement element

EC3D8R 8-node linear brick, multimaterial, reduced integration with hourglass control

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Active degrees of freedom

1, 2, 3

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
Additional solution variables


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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Eulerian thermally coupled element

EC3D8RT 8-node thermally coupled linear brick, multimaterial, reduced integration with hourglass control

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Active degrees of freedom

1, 2, 3,11

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
Additional solution variables


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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Nodal coordinates required

X, Y, Z

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Element property definition

You must specify a list of materials that may be present in the Eulerian element. You can also assign a material instance name to each material (see Eulerian section definition” in “Eulerian analysis, Section 14.1.1).

Input File Usage:          

Abaqus/CAE Usage:   

Property module: Create Section: select Solid as the section Category and Eulerian as the section Type

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Element-based loading

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Distributed loads

Distributed loads are available only for Eulerian elements. They are specified as described in Distributed loads, Section 34.4.3.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  BX

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Body force in global X-direction.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  BY

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Body force in global Y-direction.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  BZ

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Body force in global Z-direction.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Nonuniform body force in global X-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Nonuniform body force in global Y-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard  and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body force

Units:  FL–3

Description:  Nonuniform body force in global Z-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard  and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Gravity

Units:  LT–2

Description:  Gravity loading in a specified direction (magnitude is input as acceleration).

Load ID (*DLOAD):  Pn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Pressure on face n.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  PnNU

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform pressure on face n with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  SBF

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–5T2

Description:  Stagnation body force in global X-, Y-, and Z-directions.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  SPn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–4T2

Description:  Stagnation pressure on face n.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Shear traction on face n.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  General traction on face n.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  VBF

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–4T

Description:  Viscous body force in global X-, Y-, and Z-directions.

Load ID (*DLOAD):  VPn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Not supported

Units:  FL–3T

Description:  Viscous pressure on face n, applying a pressure proportional to the velocity normal to the face and opposing the motion.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Distributed heat fluxes

Distributed heat fluxes are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*DFLUX):  BF

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Body heat flux

Units:  JL–3T–1

Description:  Heat body flux per unit volume.

Load ID (*DFLUX):  Sn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface heat flux

Units:  JL–2T–1

Description:  Heat surface flux per unit area into face n.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Film conditions

Film conditions are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*FILM):  Fn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface film condition

Units:  JL–2T–1–1

Description:  Film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on face n.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Radiation types

Radiation conditions are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*RADIATE):  Rn

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface radiation

Units:  Dimensionless

Description:  Emissivity and sink temperature (units of ) provided on face n.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Surface-based loading

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Distributed loads

Surface-based distributed loads are available for Eulerian elements. They are specified as described in Distributed loads, Section 34.4.3.

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  P

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Pressure on the element surface.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Nonuniform pressure on the element surface with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DLOAD in Abaqus/Standard and VDLOAD in Abaqus/Explicit.

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  SP

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–4T2

Description:  Stagnation pressure on the element surface.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  Shear traction on the element surface.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface traction

Units:  FL–2

Description:  General traction on the element surface.

Load ID (*DSLOAD):  VP

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Pressure

Units:  FL–3T

Description:  Viscous pressure applied on the element surface. The viscous pressure is proportional to the velocity normal to the element face and opposing the motion.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Distributed heat fluxes

Surface-based heat fluxes are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*DSFLUX):  S

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface heat flux

Units:  JL–2T–1

Description:  Heat surface flux per unit area into the element surface.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Film conditions

Surface-based film conditions are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.

Load ID (*SFILM):  F

Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface film condition

Units:  JL–2T–1–1

Description:  Film coefficient and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the element surface.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Radiation types

Surface-based radiation conditions are available only for EC3D8RT elements. They are specified as described in Thermal loads, Section 34.4.4.


Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction:  Surface radiation

Units:  Dimensionless

Description:  Emissivity and sink temperature (units of ) provided on the element surface.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Element output

A set of output variables is written for each Eulerian material instance listed in the Eulerian section definition. The output variable names are automatically appended with the material instance names. For example, if you define material instances named “steel” and “tin” and request stress output, the first stress components will be written to separate output variables named “S11_steel” and “S11_tin.”

All output is given in global coordinates.

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Stress and other tensor components

Stress and other tensors (excluding total strain tensors) are available. All tensors have the same components. For example, the stress components are as follows:


, direct stress.


, direct stress.


, direct stress.


, shear stress.


, shear stress.


, shear stress.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Element-averaged quantities

Several output variables are also available as element-averaged quantities. These variables are computed as a volume fraction weighted average of all materials present in the element. Use of these variables can substantially decrease the size of the output database for models with many Eulerian materials. For example:


Volume fraction averaged stress.

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.
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Node ordering and face numbering on elements

All elements must have eight nodes. Degenerate elements are not supported.

Element faces

Face 11 – 2 – 3 – 4 face
Face 25 – 8 – 7 – 6 face
Face 31 – 5 – 6 – 2 face
Face 42 – 6 – 7 – 3 face
Face 53 – 7 – 8 – 4 face
Face 64 – 8 – 5 – 1 face

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Your query was poorly formed. Please make corrections.

Numbering of integration points for output

The single integration point is located at the centroid of the element. All materials within the element are evaluated at this integration point.

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