4.1 Search terms and search phrases

Search phrases are multiple terms that are enclosed in double quotation marks to indicate that terms will be found in a specific order. Search terms are individual words or strings of letters and characters with no white space. You can enter one or more search terms in the search field. If multiple search terms are entered without quotation marks around the words, the search procedure displays hits where:

For example, if you search for finite strain, you will find occurrences of "finite" and "strain" within the proximity range; the result is order independent.

Search phrases are made up of multiple search terms enclosed in double quotation marks. The search procedure displays hits only when the documentation contains an exact match of the phrase in the search field. For example, if you search for “finite strain”, you will find occurrences of "finite strain." This search will not locate occurrences of the phrase "finite plastic strain." For additional information about searching techniques, see HTML search details, Section 4.4, and Using the Advanced Search options, Section 4.5.

You can combine search terms and search phrases in a single search procedure. For example, if you search for plastic “finite strain”, you will find occurrences of "finite strain" and "plastic" within the proximity range.

4.1.1 Default search proximity and highlighting

The default search proximity range is used when you search for multiple terms and when you use the advanced search options to search for one term without another. In all Abaqus guides the default search proximity range corresponds to the smallest section size that appears in the table of contents for that book.

To locate search results in any book, you should use the table of contents to open a section that indicates a number of search hits and scroll through the section or use the Next Match and Previous Match buttons to locate highlighted search terms.

4.1.2 Using search terms and phrases

Use search terms without quotes for broad searching or to locate words that occur infrequently. Use search phrases to narrow a search or to locate specific information related to words that appear frequently in the documentation.